
Xitang, A Great Place to Go to if What You Wanna Do is, Nothing

There is all possiblity that you get tried of the repeating daily life in the crowded city and wanna get away for a fresh breath. Xitang with the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind, can be the best choice for you.
Xitang, best of China tours, located in Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, is one of the six most famous ancient water towns of south China,outweighting the other ancient water towns with its intricate ceilinged corridors along the river. The houses and the shops are all built along the river that in the past time, people living here took river as the street and boats as thier vehicles.
Siting along the shady stone walkways or inside the cafe you come across with and a bit wandering may be the first thing you are in mood for. Book in one hand and a cup of fragrant tea in the other, all is this and this is all, just soak in the easeful afternoon and enjoy the sunshine.
You thought this is what Xitang offers for its visitors: a peaceful and tranquil sunny aftrenoon untill you are interrupted by the aroma of delicacy and suddenly feel eager to have a try of it. Yes, one of the greatest pleasures in Xitang is its delicious local food. Xitang is especially good with fish dishes and seafood. Fengqiao Bridge district is always the best place to enjoy Xitang food. Qiantang Restaurant in this district is the first choice of many with Fresh Fish Steamed with Wine and Scallions, Steamy Crayfish Tossed with Garlic and River Shrimps Boiled with Ginger on top of the menu.
Stay overnight if you want to catch the most beautiful time of the town: sunrise and nightfall. Getting up early to enjoy the sight of dawn break and watch the fog rising off the water can be a experience once of a lifetime. And also, travel to China you should not miss the Yangtze River cruises. Equally romantic is nightfall in Xitang. A chain of red lanterns slowly turn on just after sunset making it a glaring starry sky on the earth.
A day of doing nothing can gain a lot.

